Sunday, September 11, 2011

Salmon Fishery and museum

This is the Salmon ladder at the Fishery in Juneau.  The next picture is the sorting tanks for the different kinds of Salmon.  From the sorting tank they harvest the eggs and sperm of the Salmon for spawning the Salmon.

This is the salmon ladder where they swim up stream and into the fishery.  Note there is a little sea otter who took andvantage of the salmon being easy catch for lunch! 
As close to a bear as I wanted to get!  This was in the store/exhibit/museum at the fishery in Juneau.  My sister-in-law Amy caught a flounder and we saw one in the large round aquarium...really quite a fish to catch!  We also saw the different types of salmon and one like Johnny caught while he was fishing with the family in Alaska a week earlier.

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